Newborough Primary School
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178 Newborough Street
Karrinyup WA 6018

Phone: 08 9278 0450

30 November 2022

Newsletter Articles

Dates to Remember

Please refer to the side panel “School Calendar” section for the “live” calendar of events for information

Principal’s Introduction

Kris Williams Retires

This week we celebrate and honour the teaching career of our dear colleague, mentor and friend Ms Kris Williams who recently retired. Kris has been a teacher here at Newborough for 32 years, 29 of those as our Phys. Ed. teacher. Prior to this Kris taught in Esperance and couple of schools in the northern suburbs taking her total contribution with the Department to over 42 years. Not only is this an amazingly long time Kris leaves a legacy of achievement and influence to all she has been with over that time.


Staff and invited guests have opportunity to mingle and meet current, former staff and colleagues, family and friends this Friday at a special function in her honour. Kris will be presented with a Department Service medal and couple of nice surprises.

Students are preparing a booklet with their own appreciation and acknowledgement for Kris. Parents are welcome to write in and send memories and wishes that can be included with some memorabilia for Kris to enjoy. You can drop these off at the office or email to

Deputy Principal Semester One 2023

I am pleased to advise our school community that Ms Elisa Phillips will be acting deputy principal for semester one in 2023. Ms Phillips has completed an aspirant leaders’ program in her own time aspiring towards this level in the future. Ms Phillips replaces Miss Tucknott who will be acting principal for semester one whilst I enjoy long service leave.

Class Structures, Staff and Student Placements

Weeks of planning have now concluded with the structure of classes determined and the placement of staff and students complete. As I mentioned in a previous communication this will remain under lock and key prior to any final adjustments before announcements on Booklist Collection Day 2023. Thank you to parents who contributed information to assist us with placements of their child(ren). This and a raft of information we already have helps set up every child for success in 2023.

Christmas Presents

A lot is said about the importance of reading books. I encourage every parent to ask Santa to put at least one book in every child’s Christmas stocking. Book vouchers can also be a good idea they require a visit to a book shop and choices can be made. “Reading is Brainfood.”

“When kindness becomes part of your classroom culture, it becomes a natural part of the day; not something extra that you have to fit in.”
Unknown Wise Person


John Worthy


Reporting to Parents

Reporting to Parents – Electronic Report Delivery Semester 2, 2022

Student Semester Two reports will be sent home via email on Monday 12th December 2022 (Week 10, Term 4)

To ensure you again receive your child’s report, it is imperative that your email address is correct with the school. If there have been any changes to your email/email addresses, please contact the school immediately.

We have also asked that for the purpose of different family circumstances, anyone requesting a copy of the report be sent to a second family member inform the school in writing via immediately please. If you have already done this, this information will automatically be saved for this semester.

Please do not hesitate to contact Deputy Principal Karen Tucknott with any queries about the delivery of the reports electronically.

Pre-Primary - Year Five Presentation Morning

Save the date: Tuesday 13th December 8.50am in the Undercover Area

This year, the Pre-Primary to Year 5 Presentation Assembly will be held on Tuesday 13th December at 8.50am in the school’s undercover area. This Presentation Assembly will recognise students, regardless of the Year Level in split grades, who have achieved their classes’ Academic, Citizenship and Endeavour Awards, as well as classroom Fitness Awards and the new 2023 Year 6 Leadership Team.

Academic Award: This award is presented to students who achieve not only excellent results across all learning areas but displays a true virtue of wisdom. These students show a love for learning; they challenge themselves to do better; they show creativity, curiosity, are a critical thinker and respond and act upon feedback. The winners of this award are not always the student who achieves the highest grades consistently in the class. These students earn this award through both their academic achievement and character strengths to pursue academic excellence. If a student is in a split year level class, this award will go to the recipient who displays these qualities regardless of the year level as this is a class award, not a year level award.

Citizenship Award: This award is presented to students for showing excellent civics and citizenship qualities and the virtue of humanity. These students show kindness, teamwork, respect, warmth and are genuine in their approach to everyone. These students show a strength in understanding others and treating others fairly. They set an example in their understanding of what needs to be done and they use their initiative to help others. They show leadership, and modesty, in encouraging and organising others in an unbiased way. The recipients of this award are community minded. If a student is in a split year level class, this award will go to the recipient who displays these qualities regardless of the year level as this is a class award, not a year level award.

Endeavour Award: This award is presented to students that show the strengths that help them persevere, apply consistent effort and set goals to improve. They challenge themselves regularly, face difficulties with a growth mindset, finish what is started, shows valour and bravery and reflects on and talks about their learning and growth. These students want to improve and want to learn and they work hard to do so. Their academic achievement may be at any level as this award recognises student aptitude over academic grades. If a student is in a split year level class, this award will go to the recipient who displays these qualities regardless of the year level as this is a class award, not a year level award.

If you have any queries in regards to the end of year Pre-Primary to Year 5 awards, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Term One, 2023 Bricks 4 Kidz incursion

To support the teaching of the STEM and Digital Technologies area at Newborough Primary School in Term 1, 2023, Newborough Primary School has organised for a Lego building company, BRICKS 4 KIDZ, to run a series of 4 lessons next year. Bricks 4 Kidz uses the LEGO® Bricks to deliver hands-on lessons correlated to cross-disciplinary curriculum objectives. The BRICKS 4 KIDZ approach to learning is imaginative, multi-sensory and fun, creating a dynamic learning experience for all ages of students. The incursion will run from Weeks 7-10 of Term 1, 2023. The cost per student will be approximately $26. An Incursion Consent and Advice Form will be sent home in the first few weeks of the 2023 school year.

Parent/Carers Pick Up and Drop Off Changes

Now that COVID restrictions have lifted we are changing the process to allow Parents/Carers to drop off library bags, hats, lunchboxes etc. to classrooms/students/bags. Parents/Carers sign in at the front office on Passtab (will be given a Visitor sticker to wear), drop the item off to their child’s class, and then sign out from Passtab at the front office.

Parents/Carers continue to advise teachers and the front office via email for pick up for appointments etc. so children can be made ready and on time. Parents/Carers sign the child out at the front office, will be given a ‘Sign Out’ card (to hand to the classroom or specialist teacher so they know the student has been signed out), and then go to the classroom to pick up their child.

The new process will commence at the start of term three. This process will reduce the need for staff to bring children to the office for collection. It will also reduce the number of children waiting in the office corridor.


Term 4, 2022

Tuesday 11 October – Thursday 15 December

Term 1, 2023

Wednesday 1 February – Thursday 6 April

School Directory




School Office

08 9278 0450


SMS 0409 088 585


Useful School Information


School commences at:

8.40am – Please arrive to your classroom by 8:30am

Morning recess:

10.40am – 11.00am


1.00pm – 1:40pm

School finishes at:

2:55pm (apart from Tuesday, early finish 2:30pm)


Department of Education (Western Australia) policy states that all children from Pre Primary attend school for 5 full days as from the commencement of the school year.

Attendance details are entered electronically twice daily by classroom teachers and the information fed onto a school database. An SMS messaging service endorsed by the Department of Education operates to enable parents to inform the school by text message if their child is going to be absent. The system also automatically sends a message to parents if their child has not arrived at school and no notification has been received. This service assists parents to advise the school of absences and also ensures the safety of children by letting parents know that the child has not arrived at school.

If your child will be absent/sick or late, please contact the School directly either by:


0409 088 585 (preferred method)



9278 0450

Please include only the student’s name and classroom number, reason for absence and the date in any messages. For Example: “John Doe Room 13 absent 1/2/2021 sick with flu”.

Notes are requested from parents for:

  • Any absence from school
  • Permission to go on vacation during term time
  • Permission to leave the school grounds at any time including lunch time
  • Nonparticipation in sport and physical education lessons


Parents/guardians are reminded that students should not arrive at school before 8:20am. When gates open. Teachers open classrooms at 8:30am. There is no play before school.

School commences at 8:40am Sharp. Late arrivals need to go to the front office with their parents to sign in and get a LATE PASS.


If your child needs to be collected from school during school hours (e.g. attending an appointment or leaving early), can you please email the school at and your child’s class teacher ahead of time - at least 24 hours beforehand, where possible. Please include a reason for early pick up and the approximate time you will be here. This will help with coordinating your child to be waiting at the office when you arrive and lessen your wait time.


During the year teaching staff plan a range of suitable excursions and incursions to introduce, develop or reinforce learning experiences for their class.

Incursions are an opportunity for the children to experience high standard performances covering a wide range of learning areas. The children are able to see national, and sometimes international, performers including musicians, storytellers, artists and many others at a reasonable cost. Particular attention is given to developing the social skills of the children, as well as their confidence and independence.

Formal written permission is required before any child can be taken on an excursion. Every endeavour is made to space excursions/incursions during the year to avoid costs being too great at any one time. If payment is not received by the due date and a payment plan has not been entered into, students will not participate in that particular excursion/incursion and will join a buddy class on that day.


When paying for incursions, excursions, or other school activities, please pay via direct deposit into the school bank. Newborough Primary School does not accept cash payments.

Money can be paid by online banking (please include your child’s surname and incursion/excursion name as reference). e.g. K Smith Edu-dance. Our school bank details are:

BSB: 016 350
Account No: 3408 71304

Gifted and Talented Secondary Entrance Programs

Free Dress Day

Tuesday 6 December
Please bring along a $2 Gold Coin for donation on the day
All proceeds going towards the 2023 Year 6 camp!

P&C News

Booklists 2023 and Beyond

As many of you may know, Newborough Primary School organises students’ booklist/stationery requirements through the Newborough P&C. This is a major fundraiser for the P&C, providing valuable resources to the school.

Processing of orders occurs towards the end of Term 4, with packing and distribution occurring in the two weeks before school starts.

We require helpers for packing in the following time slots please:

  • 3 people to help on delivery day – Thursday 19th Jan (11:00 at this stage)
  • 8-10 people on packing day – Monday 23rd Jan (9:30 until done)
  • 6 people on pickup day – Monday 30th Jan (9:00-11:00)

If you have that time available and are interested, please contact me on 0400 098 303

It’s Term 4 Hotdog Day - 13th December.

Have a day off making those dreaded lunches. Orders via Quickcliq, the special should come up when you put the date in.

Please get behind the canteen, this fundraiser is to support our extra paid canteen staff who take a load of pressure off needing as many parent volunteers.

We want to keep them next year so please place your orders!!

Festive Fundraiser

Canteen News

The school canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for morning recess and lunches.


We are always looking for help Monday / Wednesday / Friday from 9am - 11am and 11am - 1pm. However, any time you can spare is very much appreciated. Please contact me at or come over to the Canteen.


Canteen Manager

Uniform Shop News

Birthday Cakes/Gifts for Students

A reminder that we are do not allow the sharing of birthday cakes, presents etc. for birthdays or other celebrations.

No Animals (Including Dogs) on School Grounds

DoE Security

Keep an eagle eye on our school!

School Watch encourages the school community to report any suspicious activity in and around school grounds, after hours and on weekends, as well as during school holidays.

Telephone 1800 177 777 (free call) or 13 14 44 (WA Police).

Please do not approach any individuals, just contact security and they will investigate the situation or contact the Police. Working together will help protect our school.

Community News

Barnes Karate

Target Sports

School Calendar


Mulberry Tree Childcare

Working in partnership with Newborough Primary School

The services we offer are:

Before School Care - daily 7:00am – 9:00am

After School Care - daily 2:30pm – 6:00pm

Vacation Care – School Holidays 7:00am to 6:00pm

For more information visit our website at:

For all enquiries please contact us on: or on (08) 9244 2920

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