Newborough Primary School
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178 Newborough Street
Karrinyup WA 6018

Phone: 08 9278 0450

9 September 2020

Newsletter Articles

Dates to Remember

Please refer to the side panel “School Calendar” section for the “live” calendar of events for information

Leadership Team Introduction

What a very busy fortnight it has been and will be over the next few weeks.

Firstly, a huge congratulations and thankyou to everyone involved in our tabloid sports carnival on Friday 4th September. While it was a very different carnival to the traditional style we normally hold, we were very pleased with the format and how inclusive it was of all students. Student’s challenged themselves in the games, showed teamwork, displayed respect for self, their team and even other factions and showed kindness towards each other, no matter where their team placed. We sincerely thank Natalie Kos and Coleen Dayman for their amazing organisation of the day.

Also on Friday 4th September, our senior choir was chosen to be part of a promotional shoot for Telethon at the Crown Theatre. From all accounts, our students had an amazing experience being filmed for Channel 7 and did our school proud. The promo is certainly something to watch out for leading up to Telethon in late October. Thankyou to Andria Snelson for her continuous and enthusiastic efforts to provide amazing opportunities for our senior choir.

The end of the Term is going to be very busy. Over the next few weeks we have the Year 6 Enterprise Fete, Year 6 Camp at Swan Valley Adventure Centre, Constable Care incursions, Instrumental Music concert, the Early Childhood Sports Carnival and a P&C Midweek Afterschool Play event. (See details further down in the newsletter!)

Over the past two weeks, Nick Stenhouse and I have been involved in a range of productive discussions with members of the P & C and School Board in regards to feedback about the opening and closing times of the gates and about our Newborough Primary School community in general. As we have mentioned previously, the gate opening and closing times will stay as they are while we are in Phase 4 restrictions; however, we will use the feedback we have been gathering to make an informed decision as we move into Phase 5 and Term 4 about these times.

Research shows that successful schools engage students, families and the community as partners to support student learning and wellbeing and this is an area the feedback suggests our school can become better in. Currently, we are in the process of a school self-assessment and review, leading to the development of the new Business Plan for 2021-2024. The feedback received has helped us revisit the concept of community and address this in the new Business Plan in the section on ‘Strong, sustainable communities’. We are in the process of forming a Community Committee with members of the P&C, School Board and school staff, which will discuss the key domains that lead to building a successful community. These domains being partnerships with parents, school culture, community collaboration, effective communication and decision-making. Throughout our initial discussions, we have acknowledged how important before and after school play is to helping build our community, but it is not the only factor that needs to be considered in these broader discussions.

We appreciate the support given from the P&C and School Board in forming a Community Committee. On that note, I strongly urge all parents from Kindergarten to Year 6 to become actively involved in the P&C and attend the meetings either twice a term or contribute to the P&C activities in the school. This is an amazing group of people who do a lot of work for everyone’s children; unfortunately, the P&C is only a small group of people. It would be wonderful if all parents could just help even a little bit throughout the year to support the P and C and all of our students. If you would like to contribute to Newborough Primary School having a ‘Strong, sustainable community’, the P&C is certainly a great way to do this and have your say. Community is, in fact, the responsibility of all of us, not just a few of us.

Fish Update

For anyone interested, you may like to know that Mr Worthy’s fish, Marlin, Nemo and Bubbles, are still alive and swimming around happily in their little treasure chest aquarium. I can feed fish!

Please do not hesitate to contact either Nick Stenhouse or myself over the next two weeks if you have any queries in regards to your child or the school.

Assemblies: purchasing food from the cake stall for students

We love having the cake stall at our assemblies. However, as the food parents are buying their children for recess is on napkins, many children are eating it on their way back to class rather than waiting for recess. We would now like the food to be put into the new brown paper bags we have purchased for the cake stall and students put this bag into their school bags for recess, rather than children eating the food as soon as they are given it. We ask that you are quick if you are giving your child purchased food as they leave the undercover area, as students need to go straight back to class with their teachers. Thank you.

Parking at Karrinyup Sports Hall

Recently, the City of Stirling has received numerous complaints from facility and reserve users that during the day, significant numbers of the parking bays in the facility’s carpark are being taken by parents and teachers of Newborough Primary School at the beginning and end of the school day, leaving no parking for the facility and reserve users. This is affecting the operations and access to the facility on a regular basis, especially for the senior citizens using the hall. The school has been advised that we should not be using this parking and the carpark will now be monitored by rangers regularly to ensure correct usage of the carpark. Advisory signage will be installed in the carpark outlining the correct usage of the area.

As many people may be aware, the school is in the process of receiving a new carpark for staff at the front of the school. We believe this is about two months away from being completed. While we know that having a carpark at the front of the school will impact on our beautiful gardens in that area, it will help, however, free up around 30 carparks for parents to use and ensure our school has appropriate facilities for our community.

We will let parents know when the building of the car park will begin.

City of Stirling – Magpies Swooping Season

The City of Stirling has issued the school with a community reminder to take extra care when outdoors during magpie nesting season from August to November. Please be aware magpies may swoop to protect their young during this time.

Magpies usually swoop from above and fly low and fast over a person, often snapping their beaks as they pass overhead. However, instances where magpies swoop from below or ground level have also been reported.

Magpies are a protected native species in Australia and removing their nest is illegal and may cause nestlings to starve or freeze to death or result in the breakdown of the magpie tribe.

The following tips will help you stay safe and reduce the impact of a swooping magpie (From the City of Stirling website)

  • Look out for any caution signage placed in our parks and reserves, stay clear of nesting sites and plan alternative routes
  • Do not provoke magpies as they swoop to protect their young
  • Wear sunglasses, a wide brimmed hat (especially kids) or carry an umbrella
  • Travel in groups if possible as the birds often target individuals
  • If you are riding a bike, dismount and walk through nesting magpie territory
  • If you are swooped by a magpie, stay calm, walk away but do not run, and avoid looking towards the swooping birds.

P&C MidWeek After School End of Term Play event

The P&C invites you to join us for a Spring Break Stay and Play event in the Nature Playground. Come along and watch the kids play, and spend some relaxed time socialising with our Newborough community.

FREE ICECREAMS will be provided for the kids, thanks to the P&C.

When: Wednesday 23rd September, 3-4pm. Toilets and gates will remain open until 4pm.
Where: Nature playground
What: FREE ICECREAMS, free play, free conversation
BRING: picnic rug, snacks and refreshments as you choose
Who: All Newborough students and their families
Why: 2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. Let’s spend some relaxed time together doing what Newborough does best: being a community together.

Kind regards,
Karen Tucknott
Acting Principal

Term Dates for 2020

Term 3, 2020

Tuesday 21 July – 25 September

Term 4, 2020

Tuesday 13 October – Thursday 17 December

School Directory




School Office

08 9446 1025


SMS 0409 088 585





School Office

08 9446 1025


SMS 0409 088 585


Birthday Cakes/Gifts for Students

A reminder that we are not allowing the sharing of birthday cakes, presents etc. for birthdays or other celebrations due to the COVID restrictions. It remains too risky.


If your child needs to be collected from school during school hours (eg. attending an appointment or leaving early), can you please email the school at and your child’s class teacher ahead of time (the day before or in the morning would be great). Please include a reason for early pick up and the approximate time you will be here. This will help with coordinating your child to be waiting at the office when you arrive and lessen your wait time.


Just a friendly reminder that if your child will be absent, please contact the School directly either by:


0409 088 585 (preferred method)



9446 1025

Please include only the student’s name and room number, reason for absence and the date in any messages – the use of apostrophes, a colon or emoji results in the school receiving a blank message, and we are unable to accurately update your child’s record.

For Example: “John Doe Room 13 absent 1/2/2017 sick with flu”.

Thank You
Administration Staff


In-Term Swimming Program – Weeks One and Two, Term Four

This year’s In-Term Swimming program will be in Weeks One and Two of Term Four: Wednesday 14th October to Friday 23rd October. The swimming lessons will again be at Scarborough Beach Pool and will cost $39.00 per child. An Advice and Consent Form went home on Tuesday 28th July 2020, giving parents hopefully plenty of time and notice to pay this amount. Unfortunately, students will not be able to attend swimming without the full amount being paid.

We encourage any parents who may have difficult in paying for the in-term swimming lessons to contact Sharon Singleton, Manager of Corporate Services, to immediately to develop a Payment Plan.

Volunteer Gardener

We are currently looking for a volunteer from our school community to assist Tim Riley, our school gardener 1 or 2 days per week.

If you are a keen green thumb and parent or grandparent., would like to volunteer some time to help please email me at We will require you to sign in and out of the school office on the days you are here, wear appropriate clothing and foot wear.

Smiling Mind @ NPS

If you haven’t already heard your child speaking about it, this year Newborough has begun implementing a program called Smiling Mind as a way to support student well-being.

This program compliments our ‘Newborough Way’ behaviours of Kindness, Respect, Teamwork and Challenge Yourself and together this forms what we call Positive Behaviour and Well Being or PBW.

Smiling Mind is a program grounded in science that teaches mindfulness through lessons and meditation practices. In today’s world, mindfulness teaches students to be present, to be more aware and focused and to take time out to put a smile on their minds. We are hoping by teaching this at Newborough to support the Smiling Mind vision of “helping every mind thrive and to provide accessible, life-long tools to support healthy minds.” You can't separate learning and wellbeing; it is essential for learning.

The benefits of teaching and practising mindfulness for students include

Teacher have engaged in Smiling Mind professional learning and as a school we are now implementing the Mindfulness curriculum and incorporating mindfulness practices such as brain breaks, breathing and meditations into our classroom and in the playground.

We are hoping that students will also start to use this free program and the tools it provides outside of school. We want to encourage our Newborough families to try Smiling Mind at home. In order to use the program log into and sign up for a free account or download the app.

Take a look at the ‘Families’ program which is designed to be listened to with the whole family. Currently there is a featured program on Bedtime. Other sections in the ‘Family’ program include:

  • After School
  • Any Time’
  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • Meal Times
  • On the Go
  • Weekends

Practising at home as a family has benefits for the whole family and your child can explain how meditations are practised at school.

In the Newborough spirit, challenge yourself to have a go and remember to be kind to your mind!

Kindy Green putting a Smile on their minds!

Sports News

Faction Carnival

Enterprise Fete

On Wednesday the 16 of September the school will be open to the community from 2:55 pm until 3:30 pm for the Enterprise Fete which will be run by the Year 6s. This is an authentic opportunity for these students to showcase their learning in Design and Technologies and Economics and Business as well as to raise money for their end of year graduation celebrations.

The students in this year level have been working hard to deliver motivating and appealing stalls on the day. Come along and support this community event and please start saving your coins!

Should we still be in Phase 4 restrictions due to Covid-19 at the time of the fete, we ask that in line with the Education Department’s protocols that adults attending the fete model social distancing and appropriate hygiene practises.

Kindy Café

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all families for your support of our highly successful Kindy Café, held at the Newborough sports carnival. We really appreciate all of the contributions made by our Kindy families and the support of the school community in once again making the Kindy Cafe such a great success.

This year we raised $492.80, which is an outstanding achievement.

Special thanks to the Middleton family for the generous loan of their shade shelter and to our tireless ‘band of helpers’ who worked hard to make it such a success. Great ‘Teamwork” everyone!

Once again, many thanks to Jess and Ben Boyce from Perth Property Signs, for their very generous donation of our beautiful Kindy café sign. Our Kindy Café will look fantastic for years to come! Insert photo of us in front of sign

The funds raised at the Kindy Café will be used to purchase additional equipment for our wonderful nature playground.

Kindy Team

Music News

Telethon Promo

On Friday, 4th September 2020, twenty one of our senior choir members had the amazing experience of filming a promotional advertisement for Channel 7 Telethon at the Crown Theatre. We had the privilege of being on stage with Basil Zempilas from Channel 7 News and Fat Cat. After the long and exciting sports carnival that morning, it took a lot of resilience to get through the nearly 2 hour shoot, but our students were absolutely wonderful and showed the Newborough Way of Team Work and Challenge Yourself. The crew and director were very impressed with our students and Mrs Snelson was super proud once again! Watch Channel 7 over the next couple of months for a glimpse of our new super stars. Well done to every Choir Member for their fantastic dedicated work over the last month in making the Virtual Choir. I can’t wait to see the end product!

IMSS Concert

The Newbeatz Band and Year 5 and 6 instrumental students (IMSS clarinet, flute, classical guitar and trumpet) will be performing at our Instrumental Concert on Wednesday, 23rd September from 2pm-2:50pm.

Parents are welcome to attend – all gates will be open at 1:45pm.

Mrs Snelson
Music Specialist

Vegetable Garden News!

Over the next 5 weeks the Room 6 children will be weeding and maintaining our wonderful school vegetable garden. Each Friday afternoon, our class will be heading down to the Vegetable Garden to do some weeding and watering.

In Week 10, parents from Room 6 will be coming along for a “Busy Bee in the Garden”. We will do a final end of term clean up and do some planting with parents and Room 6 children. This will mean that our Vegetable Garden is looking magnificent for the holidays and the start of Term 4!

Ms. Watson and Room 6 children

Honour Certificate Recipients

Term 3 - Week 4 – Friday, 14 August

PP – Room 3 (Beatty)



PP – Room 4 (Ahrens)


Year 1 – Room 9 (Tennant)




Year 1 – Room 10 (Saggers/Balding)



Year 2 – Room 8 (Lydon)



Year 2 – Room 7 (Murray)


Year 3 – Room 7 (Murray)


Year 4 – Room 11 (Kos)


Year 4 – Room 12 (Farmer/Saggers)



Year 5 – Room 13 (Blanch)


Year 5 – Room 14 (Freeman)



Year 6 – Room 15 (Danker)



P&C News

P&C MidWeek After School End of Term Play event

Canteen News

Pre Faction Sausage Sizzle

Our Sausage Sizzle was a hit and class Canteen baskets were full to the brim with hotdogs – 190 of them!! A massive thank you goes to our wonderful parent volunteers Daron Gifford, Max Izadi, Peter Johannsen, Carly Fowkes, Rhonda Yates, Sam Carroll, Kelli Blatchford and Rob Antonello for working as a well oiled machine and making it a success. Here are some photos of the team in action, as well as the children enjoying their hot dogs.

Sushi Day – Friday 18th September

We are organising a special Sushi day on Friday 18th Sept. Some of our very experienced Mums are going to make sushi on site, for the children to enjoy. Please place orders on Quickcliq at the link below by the end of Wednesday 16th Sept. Note, our usual Friday pizzas will not be available, however the rest of the usual menu will be available.

Online Orders

We are now accepting orders over the counter before school, however where possible, it is our preference that orders are placed online via Quickcliq. If you would like to place a Canteen order and have not yet registered, please log on to the link below and follow the instructions


We have recommenced requesting volunteers through each class year's Parent Rep. Please keep a lookout for an e-mail from your Parent Rep when it is your class year's week to assist. As always, if you have any spare time and wish to assist, please email me at We are always looking for help Monday / Wednesday / Friday from 9am - 11am & 11am - 1pm. However any time you can spare is very much appreciated.

Kind regards

Entertainment Book

Enjoy more of things you love to do with your family and save.

Dear Parent,

Have you experienced an Entertainment Membership?

For a limited time, our school community is invited to trial the Entertainment Membership for 6 weeks!

Entertainment Memberships are packed with thousands of incredible savings across local dining, activities, travel and shopping experiences. You can enjoy more of what you love for the best value.

Start your trial and start saving today:

  • No payment details required
  • It’s easy to register, simply go to
  • Download the Entertainment App from the App Store or Google Play and start using
  • 6 week trial only available between 24th August – 13th September 2020.

After you have discovered the value of an Entertainment Membership, you can support our school by purchasing a Membership to receive 12 months of incredible savings, visit the link below 86r124 to support us.

Already love the Entertainment Membership?

Purchase your Membership today and support us to reach our fundraising goal for 2020.

Simply order online through our school's order page:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jerelyn Tierney on 0403167135.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind regards,

DoE Security

Keep an eagle eye on our school!

School Watch encourages the school community to report any suspicious activity in and around school grounds, after hours and on weekends, as well as during school holidays.

Telephone 1800 177 777 (freecall) or 13 14 44 (WA Police).

Please do not approach any individuals, just contact security and they will investigate the situation or contact the Police. Working together will help protect our school.

Community News

Bricks 4 Kids

Target Sport

Barnes Karate

Churchlands Senior High School Enrolments

Relationships Australia

Subiaco Marist Cricket Club

The season starts in October and registrations are open now. Please register at the link below (Registrations close Sept 8th for U10-17, and Oct 12 or earlier if the program is at capacity for Cricket Blasters).

Please contact us at with any queries.

VAC SWIM – Enrolments Now Open

Enrolments for VacSwim are now open and families can enrol online. Translated factsheets and enrolment forms are also available from the website in the following languages: Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Swahili, Tigrinya, Dinka, Hindi, Indonesian, Chinese, Burmese, Japanese, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese.

Further information and details of fees, locations and how to enrol are on our website.

Stirling Apache Tee-Ball Club

West Coasters Netball Club, Year 7, 2021 Registrations

School Calendar

Schoolzine App

Have all our school’s information accessible at all times – download the FREE Schoolzine app to your mobile device to readily access the latest information in real time.

Newsletter, School Calendar, Term Dates, Dates to Remember – It’s now all at your fingertips!!


Learn how to install the app


Apple Devices:

  1. On your device, open the App Store.
  2. Search the App Store for SZapp.
  3. Download and install SZapp.

Android Devices:

  1. On your device, open the Play Store.
  2. Search the Play Store for SZapp.
  3. Download and install SZapp.

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Once registered you will be sent an email to confirm your email address. Open your mail program and click/tap the URL to confirm.

Upon completion, you will then be shown a confirmation screen.

Allowing Permissions

Upon installation of the update, you will be asked to allow access to storage on your device. This is required to ensure that SZapp can access the necessary files to store crucial data on your device.

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For more information please view our FAQs


Mulberry Tree Childcare

Working in partnership with Newborough Primary School

The services we offer are:

Before School Care - daily 7:00am – 9:00am

After School Care - daily 2:30pm – 6:00pm

Vacation Care – School Holidays 7:00am to 6:00pm

For more information visit our website at:

For all enquiries please contact us on: or on (08) 9244 2920

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